Multilevel marketing is a competitive business regardless of the industry. Fortunately, things like website replication, autoresponders and webinars can help bridge the gap between slow earnings and success. The ability to duplicate a website for individual clients keeps the brand the same, while allowing a small level of personalization for each distributor.
What Is It?
Website replication is a process by which the owner of a multilevel marketing operation designs his or her site according to specific wishes. When it comes to branding, such a site is a very important part of any advertising campaign because many people prefer to shop for products and services via the internet. As such, creating a site with bold colors and plenty of information is absolutely imperative. Then, as new distributors join the team, that site can be duplicated almost 100% so that the image is the same but each individual has an opportunity to add his or her own personal information.
How Leads Are Generated
Most of the website replication opportunities out there rely on something called a landing page to help bring in new leads. Essentially, a targeted article, social media, or even word of mouth might direct an individual to that particular site. Upon arrival, he or she will see a page or perhaps even a pop-up asking for basic information such as first and last name and even email address. Once this information has been provided, an autoresponder will send a welcome email and the visitor will have access to everything that the site has to offer. It is up to the client to handle contacting each particular visitor according to his or her methods.
Why It Works
Studies have shown that in order for someone who visits a MLM site to be driven to make a purchase, he or she must have between seven and 10 contacts, whether those are via telephone call, email, live web chat, personal visit or any other means. Consumers need to feel confident in their purchases, and they need to feel confident in the person who is selling these products to them. Website replication allows the distributor to have a place of his or her own to direct these consumers, and such a site adds professionalism and prestige. This way, consumers can validate their purchases simply by visiting the site and reading a bit about their salesperson.
Tips and Tricks
Of course, using website replication to help generate leads opens up a world of possibilities for sellers. First and foremost, they can provide a ton of information directly to the potential buyer’s screen. When a consumer feels that all of the information he or she needs is present, the possibility that he or she will buy on impulse increases. To help out even more, some distributors are even given codes that they can email to their prospective clients to give them special trial offers or discounts off of their first purchases.
Attracting leads in a multilevel marketing business can seem like a daunting task, but website replication and a strong brand name are two things that can really help it take off.
What Is It?
Website replication is a process by which the owner of a multilevel marketing operation designs his or her site according to specific wishes. When it comes to branding, such a site is a very important part of any advertising campaign because many people prefer to shop for products and services via the internet. As such, creating a site with bold colors and plenty of information is absolutely imperative. Then, as new distributors join the team, that site can be duplicated almost 100% so that the image is the same but each individual has an opportunity to add his or her own personal information.
How Leads Are Generated
Most of the website replication opportunities out there rely on something called a landing page to help bring in new leads. Essentially, a targeted article, social media, or even word of mouth might direct an individual to that particular site. Upon arrival, he or she will see a page or perhaps even a pop-up asking for basic information such as first and last name and even email address. Once this information has been provided, an autoresponder will send a welcome email and the visitor will have access to everything that the site has to offer. It is up to the client to handle contacting each particular visitor according to his or her methods.
Why It Works
Studies have shown that in order for someone who visits a MLM site to be driven to make a purchase, he or she must have between seven and 10 contacts, whether those are via telephone call, email, live web chat, personal visit or any other means. Consumers need to feel confident in their purchases, and they need to feel confident in the person who is selling these products to them. Website replication allows the distributor to have a place of his or her own to direct these consumers, and such a site adds professionalism and prestige. This way, consumers can validate their purchases simply by visiting the site and reading a bit about their salesperson.
Tips and Tricks
Of course, using website replication to help generate leads opens up a world of possibilities for sellers. First and foremost, they can provide a ton of information directly to the potential buyer’s screen. When a consumer feels that all of the information he or she needs is present, the possibility that he or she will buy on impulse increases. To help out even more, some distributors are even given codes that they can email to their prospective clients to give them special trial offers or discounts off of their first purchases.
Attracting leads in a multilevel marketing business can seem like a daunting task, but website replication and a strong brand name are two things that can really help it take off.
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